Julia is at the door waiting for her big sisters to come home! She's a little lost without them here...

Julia loves the book "Brown Bear Brown Bear" and "reads" it to us in the same rhythm that we read it to her. It's so cute! Here, Addie put her in the laundry basket and pushed her around the kitchen. She just sat and went with it. She knows nothing but chaos, really!

My dad and Julia having a moment. We joked with my dad... he's got to have a stress test done, but I warned him not to do it until he's had about a 24 hour reprieve from our crazy household!! Julia's settled here, but normally she's loud and on the move!

Emma Kate was sick all weekend with a high fever. I took her in Monday morning and they found a UTI. She's on antibiotics now and feeling much better... but she felt pretty crummy off and on all weekend. We built her this fort as a place to hang out and do her artwork (something she's pretty fond of). She thought it was a hoot that Nanny got in the fort with her!
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