Julia is at the door waiting for her big sisters to come home! She's a little lost without them here...

Julia is at the door waiting for her big sisters to come home! She's a little lost without them here...
Posted by Howell Family at 12:52 PM 0 comments
I tried to get some of her in action- she practically runs everywhere she goes these days. Just yesterday Megan noticed the same thing. She told me "remember how all she used to do is crawl? And now Julia just runs where she wants to go!" Julia certainly has a lot to keep up with in this house!
Posted by Howell Family at 12:10 PM 0 comments
Posted by Howell Family at 11:54 AM 0 comments
Brad, the girls, and me headed down to Galveston to see Katherine graduate. Can't believe she's already done and moving back to Austin to look for a job. She looked great and seems really happy. We met her boyfried Cameron and his family and got to see the whole Biehle crew. Everyone looked so grown up (I guess they are!). I think Justin is planning on graduating in August... everyone (including him) said it would the miracle ceremony! He's still dating Sarah (who is in vet school) and seems happy, too. It was a fun time! The girls weren't ready to leave- they loved talking to Katherine and loved just being at the beach.
Posted by Howell Family at 3:56 PM 0 comments
Okay, so I'm way new to the blogging world and realized I never added pics to the Heritage Festival post a while back. Don't know if I can go back and add or not. It's quicker to just upload a few to a new post. So, here a few back from March. They have so much fun the whole time we're there!
Posted by Howell Family at 3:18 PM 0 comments
Megan took part in her first Hunter series with her English riding. She just started taking these lessons about a month ago and did awesome! She's riding Princess for these classes also owned by Sienna Stables (along with Lexus). She didn't want the jacket and black hat for this show, but I think after she saw all the other girls decked out, she's wanting to dress up now. Two of the other horses in her division were Godiva and Hershey Kiss! Godiva is that little dark pony and he was quite ornery for such a little guy.
Posted by Howell Family at 12:25 PM 0 comments
Here's EK and Addie giving us an impromptu puppet show. They tried to get Megan to be the narrator, but she was too "cool" for that. It was cute!
Posted by Howell Family at 12:21 PM 0 comments
Well, Emma Kate decided to take part in the western show as well. She and another little girl (a younger sibling of a competitor in Meg's divisions) participated in a small part called 'lead line'. They basically walked around with their instructor showing the skills they've learned (walk and trot!). At the end, they said "It looks like we have a tie" and they both got first place ribbons. She's proudly displayed it in her room like her big sis.
Posted by Howell Family at 11:14 AM 0 comments