Thursday, May 15, 2008

Addie's turn

Lauren, Karley, and Addie

trying her hand at the holy rope (couldn't resist calling it that... that's 
what Meg called it when she was learning to talk and it's just sort of 
stuck with us!)

I had to include a few shots of Addie.  She's taken gymnastics this school year and likes it.  She is already talking about moving onto ice skating, but she takes with her friends so she has fun.  She loves it when we go in and watch her (something that doesn't happen all the time with Julia wanting to join in all the time) and is all smiles!  She's pretty firm in not wanting to sweat or be hot in whatever sport she tries (maybe being in the ice rink will be good fit!).  She's taken dance and enjoyed it, but was ready to move on to other things.  They're starting a tennis league out here in our neighborhood and I mentioned it to her, but again, the heat... she's not a big fan of the heat!  (guess she takes after her mama...)