Monday, March 24, 2008

Heritage Festival

Our annual tradition of taking the girls to Nederland for the Heritage Festival.  Julia was only weeks old last year so this was her first time on the carousel.  She had a lot to take in with all the sights and sounds and enjoyed the parade.  I'm sure next year she'll be elbowing her sisters to get at the candy or beads!

Addie lost her first tooth!

She was so excited because she lost it at school (during the Pledge of Allegience) and got to take it home in the plastic tooth necklace.  (Sorry for the unrotated pic- didn't know it would upload like that).

Happy Easter!

You'd never know from the picture that Julia was home sick for Easter.  I dressed her once they were all home and got some pictures anyway.  She's better- she started walking today!   After having their dresses for almost a year I'm just happy I got a picture of all the girls together.